We're open
Welcome to our surgery! We always strive to do the best we can for our patients.
Western Road Medical Centre is part of Marshalls Primary Care Network (PCN) along with The New Medical Centre and North Street Medical Centre.
The aim of a PCN is to build on existing primary care services by employing an extended healthcare team including Physiotherapists, Dieticians, Pharmacists, Mental Health Practitioners, Podiatrists, Social Prescribers and Care Co-ordinators. This team of professionals provide extra services to our patients to enable greater provision of proactive, personalised, coordinated and more integrated health and social care. For more details please click on the feature tile ‘Havering Marshalls – Primary Care Network’ on the right.
If you are seeking medical advice, please start with the information below.
Self-management for common conditions
Typical duration of common illnesses that usually settle without needing to see a doctor:
Cough and cold/bronchitis – 3 weeks
Sore throat – 7-12 days
Earache – 4 days
Diarrhoea – 1-2weeks (vomiting often accompanies at the start and generally settle within 48 hours)
Sinusitis – 2-3 weeks
www.whenshouldiworry.com describes the worrying features to look out for if your child is unwell.
NHS Choices has information on management of a wide range of short and long term conditions.
Have a look at these – they may help answer your concerns without needing to wait for an appointment
Covid-19 links
Covid-19 vaccination/boosters – you will be contacted when it is your turn and can then book an appointment via 119.
COVID-19 – related links including info on recovery/long-COVID syndrome
Other links
Book an appointment for blood test (once you have been given a blood form)
Request repeat contraceptive prescription Scroll to bottom and click option on right hand side “Need to complete a review”
Consent to talk to family members form – Adults Only
Data opt Out – Information for Patients