Western Road Medical Centre

99 Western Road, Romford, Havering, RM1 3LS

Telephone: 01708 775300


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Womens Health

NEW: You can now request a repeat prescription for continuation of your contraceptive from the pharmacies. For further information use the following link

Pharmacies providing Contraception Service

If you have concerns about domestic violence, please click on the following link for helpful resources

Getting Help for Domestic Violence

Family Planning

Should you wish not to use the contraception service provided by the pharmacies, please book an appointment with any of the doctors to discuss starting contraception. You might consider looking at the Family Planning Association web site for detailed information regarding the various methods available. Repeat pill checks and prescriptions are carried out by all doctors and practice nurses. How often you need to see a doctor or nurse will depend on which pill you take and your own general health.

Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill

Contains oestrogen and progesterone, the types of which vary from brand to brand. Can affect blood pressure which will need regular monitoring (usually 3-12 monthly).

The ‘Minipill’, or Progesterone-Only Pill

Only contains progesterone and doesn’t affect blood pressure in the same way as the combined pill.

The ‘Morning-After’ Pill (MAP)

The morning-after pill (“emergency contraception”) needs to be taken as soon after unprotected sexual intercourse (UPSI) to reduce the risk of an unwanted pregnancy. There are 2 types which are licensed for use up to 3-5 days after UPSI. The copper coil can also be used in this scenario. The MAP can also be purchased over the counter after discussion with a pharmacist without the need for a prescription. Please discuss with a doctor if concerned about which option is best for you or if advised by a pharmacist.

IUD/IUS and Implants

The following doctors are trained to fit the  IUD (copper coil), IUS (Mirena) and the contraceptive implant.

Dr Ashlesha Dhairyawan – coils (IUD and Mirena), implant insertion and removal

Dr Sylvia Bond – coils (IUD and Mirena)

Dr Yasmin Heerah – coils (IUD and Mirena), implant insertion and removal

Coil and implant procedures are carried out in the treatment room with the assistance of a nurse. Appointments can be requested via reception.

It is important to make sure that you are not pregnant before fitting a coil or implant. Please ensure one of the following is true at the time of having the coil inserted.

  • You have not had intercourse since last normal period.
  • You are correctly and consistently using a reliable method of contraception.
  • You are day 1-7 of the menstrual cycle.

It is useful to take a simple painkiller, like paracetamol or ibuprofen, before you come for a coil insertion as crampy pain during the procedure is common.



Termination of Pregnancy

If you have an unplanned pregnancy and need advice, please feel free to speak to a doctor.

If you wish you can contact the Marie Stopes Clinic yourself without a GP referral.  Residents of Havering can ring 0345 300 8090 (24 hours, 7 days a week).

Marie Stopes Clinic is private family planning organisation. In Havering the NHS has arranged for you to be able to get help from them for free. They offer confidential medical and surgical termination, contraceptive advice and provision, STI screening and treatment, as well as counselling.

Locally, there is a Marie Stopes UK Romford clinic at:-

Mawney Medical Centre,

7 St Edwards Way,

Romford, RM1 3DQ.

Tel 0345300 8090 (24 hours, 7 days a week)



Sexual health

We generally encourage people to go one of the local sexual health clinics as per the following link. If this is not practical, then you can request advice from one our doctors.

Queens sexual health clinics



Cervical Screening

Cervical screening (smear test)

Several of the doctors and nurses are registered to performs smear tests. The results will be posted to you directly. The Cervical Screening Programme aims to notify women of their results within 14 days although this can sometimes be longer.

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    Extended hours appointments (pre-booked only) 18:30-19:00
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    Extended hours appointments (pre-booked only) 18:30-19:00
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    Extended hours appointments (pre-booked only) 18:30-19:00
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    Extended hours appointments (pre-booked only) 18:30-19:00
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    Extended hours appointments (pre-booked only) 18:30-19:00
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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