Western Road Medical Centre

99 Western Road, Romford, Havering, RM1 3LS

Telephone: 01708 775300


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Practice Charter

These are the local standards set within this practice for the benefit of our patients. It is ourjob to give you treatment and advice. Following discussion with you, you will receive the most appropriate care, given by suitably qualified people. No care or treatment will be given without your informed consent. In the interests of your health it is important for you to understand all the information given to you. Please ask us questions if you are unsure of anything.We are committed to giving you the best service we can. This is possible if we work together. Please help us to help you.

What we will do for you

  • Treat you with courtesy and respect at all times
  • Treat you as a partner and discuss with you the care and treatment we can provide
  • Give you full information on the services we offer
  • Give you the most appropriate care by suitably qualified staff
  • Provide you with emergency care when you need it
  • Refer you for a second opinion when you and your GP agree it is necessary
  • Give you access to your health records subject to any limitations in the law
  • Keep the contents of your health records confidential
  • Give you a full and prompt reply to any complaints you make about our service

What you can do for us

  • Treat us with respect and courtesy at all times
  • Tell us if you are unsure about the treatment we are offering you use the emergency service only in a genuine emergency
  • Ask for a night visit only when necessary
  • Ask us for a home visit only when the patient is unable to attend the surgery through illness or infirmity
  • Keep your appointments and let us know as early as possible if you are unable to comeLet us know when you change your name, address or telephone number
  • Tell us about any complaints or misunderstandings as soon as possible to allow us todeal with them
  • Let us know when we have done well
  • Offer constructive suggestions about how our service could be improved.

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    Extended hours appointments (pre-booked only) 18:30-19:00
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    Extended hours appointments (pre-booked only) 18:30-19:00
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    Extended hours appointments (pre-booked only) 18:30-19:00
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    Extended hours appointments (pre-booked only) 18:30-19:00
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    Extended hours appointments (pre-booked only) 18:30-19:00
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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